How to fix computer hardware and software problems: Microsoft Windows 7 shortcut key list


Microsoft Windows 7 shortcut key list

Free Microsoft Windows 7 shortcut key list

Windows 7

Windows 7 introduces the following:
  •  Win+SPACEBAR activates Aero Peek. Reassigned in Windows 8.
  •  Win+P toggles between the devices that receive video card's output. The default is computer monitor only. Other options are video projector only, both showing the same image and both showing a portion of a larger desktop.
  •  Win+ maximizes the active window.
  •  Win+ restores the default window size and state of the active window, if maximized. Otherwise, minimizes the active window.
  •  Win+ or  to align the window to the respective side of the screen, maximizing it vertically.
  •  Win+ Shift+ or  to move the window to the next or previous monitor, if multiple monitors are used
  •  Win+T to iterate through items on the task bar.
  •  Win++ or  Win to zoom into the screen at the mouse cursor position using the Magnifier Utility.
  •  Win+- to zoom out if the Magnifier Utility is running.
  •  Win+Esc to exit zoom.
  •  Win+1 through  Win+9 Win+0 to either start or switch to the corresponding program pinned to taskbar.  Win+0 runs the tenth item. Press multiple times to cycle through the application's open windows. Press and release quickly to keep the task bar's preview open (which allows you to cycle using arrow keys).

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